Use species-specific tissue targeted chelated trace minerals in all nutritionally fortified (with added supplement) products (L’Avian Plus™).
Remove all added chemical preservatives from its formulations.
Use bilingual (English-Spanish) labeling (3-D® Pet Products).
Introduce and provide 100% support for consumer frequent buyer programs (Wild Delight® and L’Avian Plus™).
Study the new nutritional needs of wild birds and wildlife and add needed nutrients including vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids and electrolytes to Wild Delight® Advanced Formulas®.
Add real fruit (cherries, cranberries, raisins, papaya, etc.) to its wild bird and wildlife formulations.
Guarantee “locked formulas” so that consumers receive the same product with every purchase.
Treat private label products as brands and offer marketing and promotional support for these private label products and customers.
Establish a completely wireless communication and computing system. This includes complete EDI capability. D & D Commodities Ltd. is now working to be UCC compliant.
Use “flavorings” in the wild bird industry.
D & D Commodities Ltd. is also known for:
The development of a unique seed-cleaning process that allows D & D Commodities Ltd. to market the cleanest (virtually dust-free) products available in the industry.
The leader in trying to establish labeling and formulation standards for wild bird food products to protect consumers. D & D Commodities Ltd. is also the leader in providing labeling formats that meet all AAFCO labeling guidelines.